How to Improve the Taste of Your Vagina

13 Vaginal Taste-Related Facts

The flavor of vagina is, well, vagina.

The majority of vulva owners have been told that their vaginas are disgusting, filthy, smelly, and strange.

Thus, be aware of the following if you're interested in altering the flavor of your vagina: It doesn't taste like flowers, a cool summer breeze, or vanilla to have a healthy vagina. It has a vaginal flavor.

And that can be sour, metallic, harsh, spicy, bitter, acidic, or even sweet.

Your vagina will smell and taste like an infected vagina if the vaginal pH is altered by an infection such bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomoniasis, or a yeast infection.

In other words, it might taste like, for instance, matzah, ruined pork, or rotten fish.

The flavor of your bits will vary significantly as a result of treating and eliminating the infection, which will also get rid of any strange flavors.

According to Michael Ingber, MD, a board-certified urologist and female pelvic medicine specialist at The Center for Specialized Women's Health in New Jersey, if your vagina is healthy, anything you do to make it taste "better" will only have a very minor impact.

In fact, according to Ingber, the stage of your cycle has the biggest impact on the flavor of your vagina. You are powerless to change that for Vietnamese sex.

The blood will give your vagina a metallic flavor while you are menstruating. The discharge of cervical mucus during ovulation may give your breath a somewhat muskier taste.

What enters your mucosal secretions depends on what you eat and drink, according to Ingber. Change your snacking, and you might change the flavor and smell of your genital secretions. But not significantly, he claims.

however "improve"? That's subjective, I suppose.

There is no evidence to suggest that some meals have particular tastes in the vagina. Anecdotal evidence, however, indicates that asparagus and wheat grass shots may make you taste grassier while highly spiced dishes may make you taste, well, spicier.

The following foods may also noticeably alter your taste:

"A fair rule of thumb is any food that alters the smell of your perspiration or pee will also modertate the fluids from your vagina, which will effect taste," says sex therapist Angela Watson (aka Doctor Climax).

What about soaps, deodorants, and other "hygiene" items?

The babies in the drug or supermarket shop can be ignored.

The fact that the vagina is a self-cleaning machine is one of its (many) superpowers. A excellent one at that.

You don't actually need to use washes, douches, or other hygiene items to scrub or wash the interior of your vagina. Actually, doing so can cause a pH imbalance and an illness.

According to Ingber, "a healthy vagina does not smell like a flower, and any product that makes it smell like one is probably harmful."

The environment in the vagina is naturally acidic, allowing healthy bacteria to #ThriveAndSurvive while eradicating bad germs. Glycerin and other sugars are found in many of these washes, which feed the harmful bacteria and encourage their growth.

A fishy stench, which is atypical and a sign of an unhealthy vagina, can come from an overpopulation of some harmful bacteria, such as Gardnerella bacteria, and may cause BV, according to Ingber.

Antibiotics are often used to treat infections like BV.

Generally speaking, whatever that is beneficial for your health is also healthy for your netherregions. This comprises:

There are still a few further actions you may do to promote the health of your vulva.

(Gently) wash your vulva's outside.

Again, cleaning inside the vagina is not something you should do.

What is the proper way to wash vulva? Water. I'm done now.

Your labia should be spread apart using your fingers or a fresh washcloth. Apply warm water to the folds and gently pat, clean, or rub them.

According to Watson, doing so will prevent dried body fluids, discharge, and dead skin cells from accumulating in the crevices of your vulva.

Your vagina likely has this white, sticky accumulation if it smells (or tastes) mustier than usual.

Additionally, it will wash away any sweat that had dried after exercise or other strenuous activity, which could have a salty taste in the vagina.

Put on cotton ties.

Cotton=breathable. Additionally, studies reveal that vulva owners who use breathable underwear experience lower rates of BV than those who wear synthetically produced underwear.

Avoid smoking, and consume less alcohol.

If you've ever gone to the gym after a night of drinking and smoking, you are aware that the aroma of your sweat is altered by alcohol and tobacco. The same is true with your vulva's fragrance. Both will intensify your natural odors of sourness, bitterness, or staleness.

Utilize porous sex objects.

Bacteria can climb into and live in the minute holes found in porous surfaces. Therefore, nonporous sex toys won't cause infections while sex toys made of porous materials won't allow new pH-altering, infection-causing germs to enter your parts.


"Everything concentrates when you don't hydrate. Dehydration causes your pee to smell more strongly, according to Ingber. The same is true of vaginal odor.

Anyone who objects to your taste should be dumped.

If your partner normally enjoys dining out downtown but one day (nicely) remarks that you taste different, you might want to make an appointment with your doctor.

But if the person you're seeing regularly criticizes your taste or uses it as an excuse not to treat you right, break up with them. akin to yesterday

Once more, a vagina that is infected will taste and smell like a vagina.
